Hidden Treasures: Human, Ally, and Divine
Exploring our deep relationship with the Divine.
“I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known.”
Ibn ‘Arabi tells the story of creation. The Divine, which has been existing alone, wishes to be known. It emanates a compassionate sigh, a breath, from which all of creation emerges.
The desire of the Divine is expressed in these words, “I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known.”
An underlying principle of alchemy is that “like knows like.” That principle of likeness could also be described as shared self-nature, or what Emanuel Swedenborg referred to as correspondences.
Human, ally, and Divine share in this likeness, self-nature and correspondence. The human is created in the image of the Divine. The ally is a form of divine being.
Do human, ally, and Divine, also share the same fundamental desire, yearning, and wish of the heart?
"I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known."
That original foundational desire, that wish, generated a multiverse of creation — from subatomic particles, to vast galaxies, to metaphysical dimensions of being.
The ally has a fundamental desire. To know, to meet, to be in relationship with its human being.
The human has a fundamental desire. To be seen, known, loved, valued, and feel whole.
Ally, human, and Divine, each a hidden treasure. Each longing to be known for the treasure that they are.
Ally work reveals this treasure. It is the practice-realization of this longing to be known. It is a practice of the Divine mirroring itself. It is a reflective communion between human and ally.
The practice expresses the fractal nature of Divine, ally, and human. The Divine creating itself as human, the human experiencing divinity in the ally, the ally recognizing the divine in the human.
A multidimensional revealing of our fundamental yearning, “I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known.”
This expression is as magnificent as the universe, and as close as the feeling of simply being.